Whether you’re just getting started or just getting stuck, I’m here for you.

I’ve been there. I was stuck in a cycle of not pricing myself well, annoyed with my editing, confused with social media, unsure of how to attract my dream clients, venues, etc. 

I tried and TRIED to do it on my own, but it took all of my energy and time away from me, digging me even deeper into the hole I already felt like I was in.

I’ve been in your shoes - wanting to start my own business and grow my passion and skill but not knowing where to start. It can be an overwhelming place to be in and having someone who knows the ropes is so helpful in getting your business off the ground! Learning how to take your side hustle full time and wanting to be confident in your calling is crucial, and I’m here to help.

It IS possible. Let’s tackle the how-

Mentorships are custom, and are anything but a one-size fits all. Imagine having someone that is there for all the hard, weird, or even “embarrassing” questions? Someone who is on the other side and has known what it's like to feel frustrated and discouraged, but now is supporting her family on this one income alone? It’s. Possible.

This might be for you if…

  • You’re thumping your head on a glass ceiling. You KNOW there is a way to level up but don’t know HOW.

  • You’re a newby!!! New to the photo world and want to know how to turn your passions into a full-time sustainable job.

  • You need some website help!! Whether that’s wording or layout structures, I can help you see through the customers eyes as they view your services.

  • Your social media is struggling. I’ll show you how to make attainable growth (not viral- we want sales, not empty followers!!!) + turn it into clientele.

  • You’ve got Lightroom questions and just can’t break through some editing frustrations.

  • You’re not entirely sure where to go from here- you need someone to view the logistics of your business and give you practical ways to move forward.

What does a mentorship look like?

1 hour of mentorship, every two weeks (2 hours per month, this operates on a month to month plan!)

  • Week 1- we facetime (first call is 1.5 hours!) and break down everything that’s keeping you stuck + create a plan for moving forward.

  • Week 2- you’re working on your homework and implementing changes!!

  • Week 3- you come back with questions + updates on the process; we make necessary changes + adapt!

  • Week 4- you implement said changes!!

Aaaand repeat.

The fun part is, you don’t have to keep the same focus each time. Need lightroom help? Lets tackle it. All of the sudden you hate your social media approach? I’ve got you.



  • 2 hours per month of face to face (facetime!!) calls (first month has 2.5 hours)

  • Quick answer messaging- I want to be accessible + help with quick questions during the week if you need them.

  • Exclusive access to any workshops/retreats + a discounted rate

  • Lifetime friend + biggest cheerleader!!

Investment: $600 per month, 3 month commitment is $500 per month

The Mentorship Package